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what we do

Welcome to "Flamenco Es.." This space is all about defining who you are through the revelatory artform of Flamenco. Flamenco is all about real life. It is a way of story telling your personal life experiences through dance, while exploring and valuing all the complex emotions life has us journey through.

How we do it

Through Flamenco dance, we express the downs as well as the ups, as it's a shamelessly real & genuine expression of what's going on for you. On a macro level, it is a majestic, empowering & cathartic release from all those undefinable moments we yearn to make sense of in life. On a micro level it transforms the mundane into something meaningful.

about Natalie

See who we are

A selection of images of our work.

about Natalie

What to expect

Through our website, you will be invited to start, or continue your Flamenco journey on a more personal level via a tailored membership program. Members will be able to venture on their own learning path of Flamenco with a unique collection of videos from Natalia de la Eva. There will be a selection of videos including Choreography & Technique, but also Tools to help you create not only your OWN choregraphies but to discover your OWN unique Flamenco dance style, both of which are aspects often never taught and can take years and years to understand.

our latest news

Here you will find news about upcoming courses and events of interest to Flamenco aficionados. In the meantime, the articles on Flamenco and its traditions should provide interesting reading as you progress along your path of discovery.

Red is not the Colour of Flamenco

Posted By: Natalie Solgala On 15th July, 2024

Flamenco & Pregnancy

Posted By: Natalie Solgala On 21st December, 2023

A painting of me

Posted By: Natalie Solgala On 23rd October, 2022

Dance, Music & History in Moclin

Posted By: Natalie Solgala On 2nd May, 2022

Your AirBnB experience

Posted By: Natalie Solgala On 18th March, 2022

Your spiritual journey

Posted By: Natalie Solgala On 12th February, 2022

Elements of Flamenco

Posted By: Natalie Solgala On 1st February, 2022

Starting your Journey

Posted By: Natalie Solgala On 18th January, 2022

start your journey

If you would like to journey with us through Flamenco dance, contact us through any of the platforms below to find out about upcoming courses, private classes, tailored workshops for your events or to hire our Flamenco group "GARNATA", for a show. We are based in Granada, Spain.

contact info

+34 617 03 40 48

social partner

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Want to start your journey with us? Let’s begin!